Sunday, January 31, 2010

Journal Entry #1

these are some of the things I have learned since the start this course:

-Reading the script before seeing the play can give great insight into how the play may take place.
-Research about the play Life Without Instruction was extremely important to understanding more about the characters and the background of the play. Research in general is important because it gives you a better understanding of what is taking place in the play. I had heard nothing about any of the character in the plot or subplot of Life Without Instruction, however, once investigating the play, the writer and the characters and setting, I knew more about some of the things that was happening in the play.
-Another point to mention is that I find when we read the script aloud to each other and taking on the characters, it is easier to absorb and relate to the play. The difference in voices makes the conversation pop out and more easily understood.
- The final point I want to make is that seeing the live version of the play is rewarding after a little pre-play knowledge. After reading the script, researching and reading aloud, to see the play performed in full character and on a live stage is the cherry on top. This is the final experience of the play and the room, actors/actresses, direction and production play an important part.

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