Sunday, February 7, 2010

Journal Entry #2

This week I took a look at the play Frost/Nixon. More than anything the play allowed me to further question the characters and the history. Since the start of the term we have explored Life Without Instruction which has taught me to look past the script and ask questions about how the play might be directed and how well the actors might fill their roles. Also I think it is important to mention the process of ink-shedding and what that does for gathering information and thought. I felt as if the process was extremely useful because we all experience the play differently and by looking at other peoples thoughts and perspectives, we notice things that we might otherwise have never thought about. This is important to the play going experience because it allows us to see things that we might not have seen and to ask questions we never thought of asking.

The final thing I want to touch on this week is how much knowledge about the characters and context can help for the understanding of the play. I noticed this in Frost/Nixon. This play is obviously directed towards an audience who are familiar with Nixon and his actions. This is something that I am not familiar with and I think that I would have got more from the play if i did. For this reason I think that a little background research is necessary for a better experience with he play.

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